Tahoe Journal – Flag Day 1999

June 14th, 1999

Monday, June 14, 1999 (Flag Day)

We all went horseback riding today. Even though Donna and Kara continuously commented on my not riding last year (even though I had cracked ribs last year!), it was really fun. My horse, Denver, always wanted to pull ahead of Geronimo, Kara’s horse. That was cool.

Afterwards, everyone wanted another beach trip, but I stayed at the cabin. Somehow, that led everyone to believe that I hadn’t been outside all day, so Dad and Grandpa made me help them carry a boat down to the lake. Granted, I would’ve done it anyway, but they didn’t need to make up some lame excuse.

Before dinner, me and Grandma played a few card games, while the other kids played Monopoly. We had some great enchiladas, and for dessert, we enjoyed chocolate fondue with poundcake (yes, I was in heaven!).


Tahoe Journal – June 13, 1999

June 13th, 1999

Today, we went to the Biltmore in Nevada for breakfast. It was fun talking to the Spanish-speaking waiter, Juan. We had the $1.99 special (the adults in this family are so frugal). It was tasty, but not filling at all.

A while afterwards, we went down to the beach. I didn’t swim, but did some rowing in the raft. That was fun, except for Kara complaining about me not swimming (I’ll never know why she whines about things like that!).


Tahoe Journal – June 12, 1999

June 12th, 1999

Saturday, June 12, 1999

It’s been a whole year since my last Tahoe trip, and it’s good to be back!

Unlike most times, we had a relatively short car ride, and thank God! There has never been a time that I enjoyed the journey to the Lake of the Sky. Kara, of course, got the star treatment, and got to sit up in front, while I, the oldest of the bunch, had to sit with the dog. Boy, was it fun sitting next to a shedding, slobbering pomeranian. Oh well. I only have to put up with this for 2 more years.

Not much happened today, but we’re supposed to go to the beach tomorrow.


Tahoe Journal – June 20, 1998

June 20th, 1998

Saturday, June 20, 1998

Ah, our last day. This has been one of our longer Tahoe trips, and I think I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Once again, we took a ride on the Tahoe Gal. We learned some interesting stuff (did you know that the Dreyer’s ice cream family has a house on the lake?). It was about the same as usual, though.

After the boat ride, we went to Fast Eddie’s (Grampa calls it Fat Eddie’s, because he always has to loosen his belt when he goes there! ◕‿◕). I had a great big ½ pound burger. Amelia tried, but there was no contest; I had some of hers, too! I washed it all down with a nice tall glass of beer (root beer, that is!). Most of the kids went to the beach afterwards, but I decided to stay at the cabin and write my journal. I had fun this week. There were wonderful moments (and there were those other moments), but all in all, I had an enjoyable time.

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Tahoe Journal – June 19, 1998

June 19th, 1998

Friday, June 19, 1998

Today was just another beach day, but today, I decided to dunk. It wasn’t that bad, actually. Mostly I rowed the boat a lot.

Donna actually summoned up the strength to go in the boat. It was the closest she had ever gotten to the lake the whole trip!


Mario at the Cabin

Tahoe Journal – June 18, 1998

June 18th, 1998

Thursday, June 18, 1998

The whole family and their dog went to the Donner Party Museum today. We had a picnic, and all of us had sandwiches and cold pizza. Most of us went in afterwards (sorry Lucy: NO DOGS ALLOWED!). There was a lot of interesting information, and I now know that cannibalism wasn’t the only topic of interest! We also watched a slideshow on the subject, which said a lot.

On the way back, we took Lucy to her beloved haven, Ward Creek. After just five minutes in the creek, she was satisfied!


Mario and Amelia at Donner Memorial

The Gang at the Donner Memorial

Carlo and Mario at Emigrant Trail Museum

Lunch at Donner Memorial

Tahoe Journal – June 17, 1998

June 17th, 1998

Wednesday, June 17, 1998

We drove to Reno, and did lots of stuff. At Planet Hollywood, we all ate Cap’n Crunch Chicken, which is the best chicken I have ever had before. They had some cool props from Star Wars (although they called the gaderffi stick a club!), as well as other various other movies. It was fun.

Afterwards, we drove over to Boomtown, a great little place with a run VR ride, which is the main reason that we drove there. I went on three different VR rides (they play four, but one looked stupid). I also went mini-golfing, but it only had nine small holes. I mostly played the arcade games for tickets. I got 106 tickets, but the prizes weren’t that good. My prize limit was a metal toy jeep and a plastic lizard. I met this kid from Washington who was going all over the country. He was only in 7th grade, but who cares? He was cool.

We went home (well, we went cabin!) afterward, and had some Godzilla ice cream after dinner. I love those chocolate chunks!


Tahoe Journal – June 16, 1998

June 16th, 1998

Tuesday, June 16, 1998

We went to the beach today to go canoeing. I didn’t feel like getting wet, so I rowed a lot. We had sandwiches at the beach for lunch. Unfortunately, we didn’t do anything else of significance.


Mario at the Lake

Mario and Dad Rowing on the Lake

Tahoe Journal – June 15, 1998

June 15th, 1998

Monday, June 15, 1998

Most of the family went horseback riding, but my ribs were bothering me, so I stayed with Gramma and Grampa. They probably had fun. Gramma and Grampa took me to a water plant, and they gave them a sample to see if it was okay. Then we drove to the Tahoe Tessie museum and looked at some of the newspaper articles. Next door was a wood-carving store with some cool carvings. Also, there was a gift shop, and they bought me a Lake Tahoe hat. We went over to Safeway (or was it Lucky’s?), and bought some really tasty Godzilla ice cream. It was delicious.


Grampa and Mario at Water Treatment Plant

Mario with Bear Carving

Mario at Tahoe Tessie Museum

Tahoe Journal – Flag Day 1998

June 14th, 1998

Sunday, June 14, 1998

Today was another Ponderosa day, the fourth one so far, and hopefully the last one for at least a little while (it’s fun, but it gets really repetitive!). We did the breakfast hay wagon, as usual, and got held up again, although he had some new jokes. The breakfast was pretty good, a sure plus. We didn’t see the gunfight, but we did get to see Buckaroo Beau, a new addition since our last three visits, where a cowboy by the same name does some fun rope tricks and gun-twirling stuff. That was cool. We left a lot earlier than usual.

Almost as soon as we got home, we decided to go to the beach. That was cool, because we got to bring out new 4-person raft. Only Carlo actually got in the water, but most of us got to paddle the raft (Donna mostly sunbathed). The paddling felt really good, because it helps me exercise my chest muscles, which is good, considering the trampoline incident. We ate some lunch there, paddled some more and went home.

Now it’s 8:00 PM, and we can’t find anything on the television to watch. What’s on Sunday night at 8?

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