Tahoe Journal – Flag Day 1998
mario June 14th, 1998
Sunday, June 14, 1998
Today was another Ponderosa day, the fourth one so far, and hopefully the last one for at least a little while (it’s fun, but it gets really repetitive!). We did the breakfast hay wagon, as usual, and got held up again, although he had some new jokes. The breakfast was pretty good, a sure plus. We didn’t see the gunfight, but we did get to see Buckaroo Beau, a new addition since our last three visits, where a cowboy by the same name does some fun rope tricks and gun-twirling stuff. That was cool. We left a lot earlier than usual.
Almost as soon as we got home, we decided to go to the beach. That was cool, because we got to bring out new 4-person raft. Only Carlo actually got in the water, but most of us got to paddle the raft (Donna mostly sunbathed). The paddling felt really good, because it helps me exercise my chest muscles, which is good, considering the trampoline incident. We ate some lunch there, paddled some more and went home.
Now it’s 8:00 PM, and we can’t find anything on the television to watch. What’s on Sunday night at 8?