mario November 30th, 2015

Confession: I have fallen victim to the Disney pin trading fad.
My girlfriend and I told ourselves we would be able to just buy a few collectible pins and be done with it. We picked up WALL•E and EVE, plus some Star Wars characters. Then grabbed some hat pins for trade fodder. Then I bought the Inside Out set. Then we splurged on a Diamond Anniversary medallion set. Before we knew it, our lanyards were weighed down with metal baubles and we needed a place to keep the ones we didn’t want to trade.
Pinterest to the rescue! Continue Reading »
mario February 13th, 2015
My sometimes-yearly tradition of making store-bought-style Valentine’s Day cards based on things I like… continues! This year I went with The Legend of Zelda for NES. Personally I prefer Zelda II, but it’s hard to deny the cuteness of square-aspect-ratio-3/4-pseudo-isometric-view Link from the original.
mario February 14th, 2010
It’s been a couple of years since I last made themed Valentine’s Day cards in the style of those store-bought franchise tie-in cards they make for kids, so I figured I was long overdue. Enjoy my Back to the Future valentines!
mario January 9th, 2008
I’m not one to brag, but I consider myself to be something of an amazingly skilled artist (please note subtle sarcastic undertones). One day while bored at work (fixing computers doesn’t really tax the artistic muscles much), I noticed I had a large amount of twisty-ties at my disposal. Remembering that the characters in the excellent DS puzzle game Meteos were generally stick-figureish in design, I realized I could probably recreate one of them!
So I did! Press on to see the pic and revel in its artistic awesomeness!
Continue Reading »
mario July 4th, 2007
Jeff (from The Orange Belt forums) pointed out this nifty little piece of gamercraft via Craftster: a sewn Nintendo Entertainment System! The attention to detail is commendable, though I’d really like to know how big the system is. It’s hard to tell with felted crafts sometimes, especially when there’s nothing in the photos to use as a frame of reference. Of course, this doesn’t diminish the project’s awesomeness in the slightest. Make sure you check out the rest of the photos in the Craftster thread, it really is a wonderful piece.
(I’m not gonna dupe-post every piece of artwork posted on Gamercraft, but this was too cool for school.)
(courtesy of Gamercraft)
mario February 19th, 2007
A clever Wii enthusiast had an equally clever idea: he had custom sculptures made of his and his girlfriend’s Miis as a Valentine’s Day present. They came out beautifully:

On top of that, the sculptor is offering his services to anyone else with the desire to have a sculpture of their Mii (like me) and $50 (unlike me). Act fast, he’s only making 100 Mii sculptures in this fashion. Go now!
(courtesy of 4 color rebellion)
mario February 14th, 2006
Remember when we used to give out Valentine’s Day cards in elementary school? The fun of finding store-bought perforated cards themed around a popular movie or television series, filled with cheesy puns related to quotes and also love? Well I say we should never grow out of such things.
With that in mind, enjoy these Valentines I made for my family themed after the hit television show LOST!