mario May 4th, 2005
Just found this leaked picture of Nintendo’s next-gen console, the Revolution. The photo’s a little bit blurry, but I think you’ll find it rather intriguing:

Remember those rumors that were going around awhile back about the inclusion of helicopter blades? I was skeptic at first, but after seeing this photo, it got me to thinking about how much sense it made. I mean, think about it. Nintendo has stated that the technology that makes the Revolution so revolutionary is something that already exists, but has never been applied to video games before. We know from the DS that Nintendo is eager to try and integrate innovative hardware schemes to create wholly new forms of gameplay. What could possibly accomplish this better than helicopter blades?
I’m getting excited imagining the possibilities already. Who hasn’t dreamt of how much better classic Nintendo franchises such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Pokémon would be with helicopter blade technology tightly integrated into the gaming experience? Now our dreams can finally be reality! With this bombshell of a leak, E3’s looking to be more exciting than ever. Come speculate the possibilities with me, why don’t you?
(the flames that constantly shoot from the vents are intriguing as well, though I personally have yet to see a viable application in video games for them. But hey, that’s why those guys at Nintendo are the innovators!)
mario May 2nd, 2005
The Hitchhiker’s Guide movie sucked hard. So sad.
mario May 2nd, 2005
I will be forever cursed to forget about what days I get off work until I arrive at the school only to find it devoid of students and faculty. I mean, it happens every freakin’ time. Luckily, this time I called a coworker to tell them I’d be late, so at least I didn’t have to get dressed or anything. It’s been a lounge-y sort of day.
mario April 29th, 2005
Mac OS X Tiger comes out today. FedEx informs me that the copy I ordered (60 bucks off! It pays to be an educator sometimes!) will show up at my door at 4:30PM Pacific Daylight Time. I’m biding my time by browsing the Dashboard Widget download page looking for cool widgets to grab up once I install Tiger. Ironically, the coolest widget is one I could be using to track the order, if I already had it.
When it does show up, I’ll be watching the end of the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie, and will possibly even be aware of whether it rocks or sucks!
mario April 28th, 2005
I just bought some Jack in the Box breakfast on the way to work (it wasn’t really by choice; Jack in the Box is the only drive-through restaurant in town). When I got to work, I found that they gave me french fries instead of hash browns! How screwy is that? If I didn’t have work to do I’d drive right back and hella complain, but as it stands all I can do is eat my fries.
Say, fries with a sausage croissant sandwich isn’t half-bad.
mario April 28th, 2005
My friends and I invented a little game we play whenever we go to the movie theater. During the movie trailers that precede the feature presentation (did you know the trailers used to be shown after the movie? That’s where they got their name! The More You Know!â„¢), we count how many unoriginal movies are premiered compared to originals. Now, an ambiguous term like “unoriginal” may seem a bit silly to use concerning Hollywood productions these days, but for our purposes this is broken down into three subcategories:
•remakes (movies based directly off of older movies, or foreign films; War of the Worlds, The Amityville Horror, The Ring 1+2)
•sequels (and prequels; Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Be Cool, Herbie: Fully Loaded, Batman Begins)
•adaptations (movies based off of other non-movie works, such as books, short stories, and TV shows; Fantastic Four, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Sin City, Bewitched)
The purpose of this little game is to determine just how little creativity is left in the Hollywood scene. Of course, this doesn’t take into account films that use formulaic plots (like romantic comedies or teen movies of the sexy romp nature), or are just plain bad, but it gives us a useful figure we can work with. Sometimes I see a movie with about 50% unoriginal trailers (this should be considered a good figure in this day and age); other times, it gets as high as 80% (this is a pretty common figure in my experience).
So the next time you go to the movies, see how things add up. Note that results may vary depending on what sort of movie you’re seeing, or what type of theater you’re in (local indie theaters will have much lower figures). If you are welcomed with an Unoriginal Ratio of <30%, you should consider yourself very lucky, but don't count on it. Movies suck hard nowadays.
This game isn't intended to be fun, it's intended to make you feel sad about how movies suck so hard nowadays.
And on that note, I'm gonna go see the Hitchhiker's Guide movie (adaptation) on opening night. Hopefully it won't suck hard!
mario April 25th, 2005
Apparently this is the next thing I’m supposed to do with an active Livejournal…
You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty! |

Softball is the huge tipoff here…
As well as a “best friend” who loves to call her “sir” |
I feel fulfilled!
mario April 21st, 2005
Sigh. It seems like everyone I know is joining one blog site or another nowadays. Guess I’ll stick around here and say things every now and then. Like I already was. The difference being this time I openly admit it.
I might even throw a blog link on my comic front page, seeing as how that’s what all the webcomic bigwigs and fatcats are doing. Ryan North‘s got one, and he sells t-shirts! The two are likely connected in some fashion, so I figure this is probably one of those early steps toward making tens, possibly dozens of dollars off my webcomic. I’ll still remember all you little folk when I rise to webcomic celebritydom and sell the rights for my comic to become a major Hollywood motion picture.
The minor copyright issues with the Big N could be problematic, but I figure I should be able to win them over with my charm and wit or, barring that, a Sexy Shrugâ„¢ or two.
Hey, this whole Say Things That Come To Mind thing isn’t half-bad. We must do this again some time.
mario March 28th, 2005
And I know I’m gonna steal a life
She doesn’t even know it’s wrong
And you know I’m gonna make it right
Take her where her soul belongs
-Beck, “Girl”
Damnit, no matter how much I refresh the iTunes Music Store, Guero just won’t show up! I’ll probably be spending much of this evening listening to the remixes, imagining how the album’s going to sound in not-8-bit. I’m hoping I can catch the album on iTMS before I give in and buy the physical album, since it’s cheaper, and may or may not come with bonus tracks or something. I’m a sucker for bonus tracks.
I’m gonna do my darndest to make a comic tonight, so keep an eye out for that maybe.
mario December 8th, 2004
friend geoff made a cool song dealie, and i figured i’d share it with y’all so go already
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