Boom! Bang! Zowie?

September 20th, 2005

Holy crap, thunderstorms! The girls in the classroom next to my office all screamed that annoying stereotypical girlish scream with the first thunderclap. It was bright and clear early today, then the clouds just rolled on in and thundered about. The sky is a strange place sometimes.

"He does it, he says, to raise awareness of suffering children."

September 16th, 2005

My boss came in a few minutes ago to ask a question, and overheard the music a-comin’ out of my iTunes. The song was “Corsair” by Boards of Canada. She told me it sounded awful.

I’ve never made any disparaging remarks regarding the choir music or Christian standards she plays in her iPod! Her musical preference is her own, and I would never apply some kind of higher-than-thou stance if I didn’t care for her tunes.

I don’t know, that just bugs me. I like ambient music! It makes for nice music to play in the background as I get work done. I guess I’ll just have to respect her opinion, but there are nicer ways of saying you don’t care for something.


September 15th, 2005

The iTunes phone isn’t for me. I’ve looked over the specs, read some of the reviews, and just decided the phone lacked a certain panache that $250 ought to buy you. So after a bit of research regarding iSync compatibility (mostly by way of random Mac forums and the reviews on Mac ‘n’ Cell) and other various doodad features, I think the Sony Ericsson S710a is the phone for me. $50 less (when bought from Cingular), and it’s a much more slick gadget. Slick is an important selling factor, y’see Rudy.

You probably want me to stop yammering about geeky phone stuff. I probably will not.

Uff da

September 14th, 2005

My cable box is on the fritz. It won’t let me change the channel, or access recorded programs, or even shut it off. So I get home and it’s stuck on Maury. The text on the bottom-left of the screen reads: “My wife needs to know… I have sex with men for money!”

Yeah. The world is dumb sometimes.

One Cingular Sensation

September 8th, 2005

You may or may not have heard of the new Motorola ROKR, affectionately known to its friends as the “iTunes phone”. Ever since the rumor mill had started rumor millin’ about this gadget, I figured I would probably be buying one as soon as it was eventually released. When I heard recently that my existing cell phone service provider, Cingular, would be the exclusive carrier of the ROKR, I was extra-pleased, as this meant it would be all the easier to accomplish this task.

Allow me to tell you the story of how one simple clerk in a Cingular store in Valley Fair Mall screwed me over.

Okay, so yesterday morning, Apple unveiled the ROKR, I saw the official specs, and I liked what I saw. Super, I was set to buy me one of them things. So I made my way to Valley Fair Mall and spoke with a person that ran the kiosk (those little autonomous stores where the salesman tries to sell cell phone plans to passers-by, which can’t be a very fruitful business). The kiosks hadn’t yet received the phone, but he suggested I might have better luck at the larger store by Macy’s. So I made my way over there. The clerk there, named Phuc Bui, told me they had one more phone in stock (I didn’t care if it actually was or not, it was the first place I’d found that had it, after trying the over-the-phone upgrade service and calling into another Cingular store the previous day). Great, I was all set to pay the man for the goods and be on my way. Before going forward, I informed him that the checking account attached to my check card did not have sufficient funds on its own, and I would have to also pay with a check from another account. He confirmed that he had heard and understood me.

He confirmed that he had heard and understood me.

So I slide my check card, and what does he do? He charges the entire amount to my account! I can’t really deal with bank fees at the moment, so I quickly had him transfer the funds back into the account, then called the bank support line and explained the situation thus far. Unfortunately, since the overdraw penalties would not appear for a few days, they couldn’t do anything about it, and told me I would receive a $22 fee when that happened (not to mention the bad reputation that is established with your bank with such things). I subsequently explained to the clerk what had happened, and that I would need to be reimbursed $22 to pay for the mistake. He refused, stating that I had never even stated my intention to pay with two accounts in the first place! He then proceeded to obnoxiously shake his head in disagreement as I tried to reason with him (I never realized how obnoxious this action can be until today; he wouldn’t even say anything, he just kept on head-shaking). I attempted to speak to his manager (her name is Maria E. Pineda), and she gave me the exact same stonewall reply. They could not possibly be at fault for what had occurred! Not a Cingular employee!

After much heated arguing, they agreed to deduct $22 from my next phone bill. While this was a nice gesture, it does absolutely nothing for my bank account, which is currently in the red (it seems to take much more time for Cingular to give me my money back then to take it). Now I can’t use my check card or make any withdrawals until the money is reimbursed! And once I do get it back, I’m down 22 bucks, which is a lot for a college student! And I didn’t get my phone. Screwed!

So if you should ever find yourself in Valley Fair Mall in Santa Clara, CA, and you need to speak to a Cingular representative, don’t go to the store there. Go to the Cingular kiosk in front of the Apple Store. The folks there are courteous, quick to help, and aren’t named Phuc Bui or Maria E. Pineda. Consequently, if either of those two are working at the kiosk that day for some reason, quickly turn around and find something else.

I should note, in closing, that I don’t have any real problem with Cingular’s overall service. Just Phuc Bui and Maria E. Pineda.

I really wanted that phone.

にてもにつかない / ふたごのきみ / どうしたんだい / くつひもさえ / もどけっぱなしのまま / うわのそら

August 30th, 2005

My latest project is playing through my collection of songs which are either unplayed or unrated, and in doing so rate or play them as the situation dictates. I have 3,223 out of 8,372 songs which meet one or both of these conditions, so my work is cut out for me. But so as to keep it more like idle music-listening and less like hard labor, I throw random gems into the Party Shuffle.

I think it’s definitely bedtime when I start regaling you with anecdotes about my very boring music-listening habits. Peace out, world.

Stef, hope you’re enjoying life on the open road. Miss you.

"Catgut" is made out of cat! It’s CAT!!!

August 30th, 2005

A kitten died in The Brothers Grimm! It got chopped to pieces by a spinning blade and then a French guy ate a piece of kitten guts!

Please think of the kittens. Don’t see The Brothers Grimm.

Just looked it up, it’s not actually made from cat.It’s sheep! And HORSE!!!!!

Cancer came scuttling back

August 29th, 2005

I hate it when I sit down in front of my computer, all prepped to make a comic, and suddenly all the inspiration and drive completely drains out of me. I mean I really hate it. It’s incredibly frustrating, being psyched to create a comic one moment and wanting to be anywhere but at the computer the next. Usually I try to force myself to make something, anything that might pass for an update, but that ends up being even less productive.

Right now I just wanna sleep, so we’ll see how that goes. Might as well be somewhat well-rested for work tomorrow.

I have an office!

August 19th, 2005

What’s this now? Oh my, it would seem I now have a full-fledged office, complete with its own door! And *gasp* is that a desk? All for me?!? Why yes it is! My iBook and Mighty Mouse fit perfectly! I’ll take it! There couldn’t possibly be anything better than- wait just a minute! Hallelujah! Natural sunlight! There is a god! (he’s strung up tackily above the window)

(original images lost in the Great Internet Fire of Aught Five)

It's a good feeling

August 12th, 2005

I finally found a Mighty Mouse! And I bought it and own it now. I feel good. So good, in fact, that I’ll put the word ‘good’ all over the place.

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