Witch’s Brew archive
mario June 6th, 2024
The witchsbrew.org domain expired and was swiped and parked (don’t visit it), so I’ve re-uploaded the entire site at https://dotmatrixwithstereosound.com/archive/witchsbrew. Yay posterity!
Archive for the 'Comics' CategoryWitch’s Brew archivemario June 6th, 2024 The witchsbrew.org domain expired and was swiped and parked (don’t visit it), so I’ve re-uploaded the entire site at https://dotmatrixwithstereosound.com/archive/witchsbrew. Yay posterity! Apple Cow Episode 6: Pomaceous Admirationmario April 16th, 2012
Okay, some explanation may be called for. Several years ago, I dug up a box of old childhood drawings. I had been trying to think of a new webcomic project, and the idea came to me to use these drawings as artwork for a new comic series. The small sampling of drawings showcased my childhood love of cows and apples, and the rest came naturally. Go check out the previous episodes then come right back once you’re caught up. It’s a website, it can wait! Apple Cow Episode 5: Phrenological Deviancesmario September 12th, 2009 Picking up the epic Apple Cow comic series right where it left off! To all six of you who have read the other episodes of this comic: welcome to its new home! To everyone who is thoroughly confused about what the hell is going on: I’ll upload the other episodes shortly! Now everyone is in the proverbial loop. Good! Apple Cow Episode 4: Saurian Mandatemario May 19th, 2008 the story arcs even further somehow! is that… possible? i will make it possible. that doesn’t really work very well as a phantom menace quote. Apple Cow Episode 2: Cranial Lamentationmario April 12th, 2008 apple cow is one of the few characters i seem to have named when i originally drew these pictures back in the eighties. i should probably come up with names for the rest of the gang eventually. Apple Cow Episode 1: Selective Surveymario April 7th, 2008 not sure where this will reside just yet, so there’s no better place to talk about it than the site for comics i make that aren’t called zelda comic. a few years ago, i found a bunch of pictures i drew in my youthful days. mostly cows (boy oh boy did i like cows as a kid). i scanned in everything i could find for posterity, and very quickly realized that these would be fun to use as artwork in a clipart comic. fast forward, like, years, and i finally get around to making it happen! please enjoy the probably-ongoing adventures of apple cow and friends! Matt and Mario in Space College 5: Space Exammario March 31st, 2008 There’s a subtle backstory to this comic regarding the fact that a college in space would probably require corporate sponsorship to stay afloat. Even in zero-gravity! Matt and Mario in Space College 4: Space Budmario January 14th, 2008 A perfectly reasonable conversation about sportsball devolves into a perfectly reasonable conversation about Air Bud movies. As they all should. MATT AND MARIO IN SPACE COLLEGE 3: ALL-SPACE-CAPS DAYmario November 13th, 2007 MATT DID THE DRAWERATING FOR THIS ONE IN HONOR OF ALL-CAPS DAY AND INCLUDED AN EPIC SPACE JOKE DELIVERY THIS IS WHY HE’S SO GREAT YOU GUYS |