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Not Just Miniature Hamburgers Anymore: Mario and Geoff (5/26/2008 - 2/9/2009)

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panel 1: Mario

Mario: Funny how posting a comic 16 months after it was started can date things. Nice first-gen iPhones, Walter!

panel 2: Geoff


panel 3: Geoff


panel 4: Mario

Mario: So you're gonna play the Sliders card, are you? Two can slide at that slide!

panel 5: Mario

Mario: "Oh wait, I forgot that people hate his Crying Man routine in all realities."

panel 6: Geoff

Geoff: I'm guessing Over There is a lot more sane.

panel 7: Geoff


panel 8: Mario

Mario: Finally, a hero to champion flags everywhere! As long as they're American.

panel 9: Mario

Mario: Silly Rip, you'll never become President if you don't get your head in the game.

panel 10: Geoff


panel 11: Geoff


panel 12: Mario

Mario: His guns are diesel-powered!

panel 13: Mario

Mario: Vin Diesel's old costar sure did bulk up.

panel 14: Geoff


panel 15: Geoff


panel 16: Mario

Mario: Bert knows what he's talking about.

panel 17: Mario

Mario: "Didn't work"? Your derby is perfectly intact!

panel 18: Geoff


panel 19: Geoff


panel 20: Mario

Mario: As far as familiars go, you can do a lot worse than mosquitoes.

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Witch's Brew created by Paul Coe, Geoff Kottmeier and Mario Panighetti. Witch's Brew, with the exception of all original characters and dialogue, is not copywritten.
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