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Easter Orphan Extravaganza!: Paul, Mario, and Nicole (4/12/2009)
This is a brew that asks the hard-hitting questions we don't normally ask... quite frankly because we just don't care.

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panel 1: Paul


panel 2: Mario

Mario: President Bingu wa Mutharika, of course. The once-proud nation of Malawi is now a desolate wasteland, having been depleted of its natural resource: the children!

panel 3: Nicole


panel 4: Paul


panel 5: Mario

Mario: Rip doesn't just click the clicker, he SAYS "click".

panel 6: Nicole

Nicole: I'm guessing Over There is a lot more sane.

panel 7: Paul


panel 8: Mario

Mario: The now-famous BrewCon panel. Before Geoff started throwing chairs.

panel 9: Nicole


panel 10: Paul


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Witch's Brew created by Paul Coe, Geoff Kottmeier and Mario Panighetti. Witch's Brew, with the exception of all original characters and dialogue, is not copywritten.
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