Tahoe Journal – June 13, 1998
mario June 13th, 1998
Saturday, June 13, 1998
You may notice a modified format in this journal. I have begun to find a disliking in writing in cursive, so what you see is what you get!
We got here okay. The trip was so-so; we are breakfast and went here. Luckily, we all made great time. Interestingly, barely anyone is staying in the same 8-day period as we are, save Gramma and Grampa. Fortunately for me, this means that the boys get their own beds (the girls have to share one! ◕‿◕).
Not much else happened. I played a couple million round of electronic Wheel of Fortune. The kids had a few rounds of hide-and-seek, but I got tired quickly (because of the cracked rib thing!). Well, there wasn’t much else, so in the words of so many journal writers, “I gotta go now so bye”.