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Brought to the Peter Boyleing Point: Matt, Mario and Paul (6/9/2007 - 2/10/2008)

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panel 1: Matt


panel 2: Mario

Mario: Someone, anyone, please make Banjo Hero a reality. I'll be your bwst friend. This was probably the most fun I ever had Photoshopping something.

panel 3: Paul


panel 4: Matt


panel 5: Mario

Mario: Google Image search for "bad teeth". Second most fun Photoshopping.

panel 6: Paul


panel 7: Matt


panel 8: Mario

Mario: I do not love Raymond.

panel 9: Paul


panel 10: Matt


panel 11: Mario

Mario: A scene from The X-Files episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose". Whenever I think about how awful it was for him to be in Everybody Loves Raymond, I try to take some consolation in the fact that he was pretty good as Clyde Bruckman.

panel 12: Paul


panel 13: Matt


panel 14: Mario

Mario: Willow reference. We're big Willow fans 'round these parts, as evidenced by Paul's picking up the reference perfectly. And then some.

panel 15: Paul


panel 16: Matt


panel 17: Mario

Mario: Pop-Up Video! Bet you never thought you'd see someone bring up that dreck again, did you? If you're unfamiliar with the concept, then you just made me feel very old indeed.

panel 18: Paul


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Witch's Brew created by Paul Coe, Geoff Kottmeier and Mario Panighetti. Witch's Brew, with the exception of all original characters and dialogue, is not copywritten.
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