Witch's Brew created by Paul Coe, Geoff Kottmeier and Mario Panighetti.
have a nice day: witchsbrew.org
Your Mom Is A Witch's Brew Episode Title: by Kyle, Geoff, Mario, and Paul
panel 1: Kyle |
Kyle: |
panel 2: Geoff |
Geoff: |
panel 3: Mario |
Mario: "Your mom has fallen off". I gotta remember that one. Your mom's gotta remember that one. |
panel 4: Paul |
Paul: This panel was created during my recovery from a "your-mom" joke overdose. I've been clean for 2 weeks. |
panel 5: Kyle |
Kyle: |
panel 6: Geoff |
Geoff: |
panel 7: Mario |
Mario: Rip's mom is also a creepy male voyeur in a banana suit from Rip's childhood? |
panel 8: Paul |
Paul: True story. Although, it wasn't my birthday... and it wasn't a tricycle... and it didn't really happen. (Rip's mom is really mean, and she's his uncle.) |
panel 9: Kyle |
Kyle: |
panel 10: Geoff |
Geoff: |
panel 11: Mario |
Mario: Walter would have made a great Ed Sullivan. Curse my not having been alive when The Ed Sullivan Show was on the air, so I could invent the Walter character, bring him to life somehow, then replace Ed Sullivan! |
panel 12: Paul |
Paul: People like when animals act like humans. They also like heart-warming stories of animals and cancerous kids teaming up together. I figured this panel would be a sure hit. I was sorely mistaken. |
panel 13: Kyle |
Kyle: |
panel 14: Geoff |
Geoff: |
panel 15: Mario |
Mario: I stole this line from a Bill Hicks routine about the TV show Cops. Also, I am totally the champion at finding the same Google images that other people used in previous panels. |
panel 16: Paul |
Paul: God. Damnit. I get this damned email every friggin' day. Take this you bastards! (note: I found this image while google-imaging for "mud monster".) |