Because Nothing Good Is On
mario June 1st, 2005
Ugh, work is crawlin’. Literally! No, figuratively. I’m too bored to even picture how that would work in a literal sense.
Can one of you readers alleviate my boredom? I mean, I know there’s only one or… one of you out there, and I’m talking to you on AIM, but still… bored!
Hey, I suggested that you update your LJ, and I even updated my own. What more do you want!?
Admittedly, not much else comes to mind. Though something with chocolate in it would sure hit the spot.
You’re on your own. I can’t make chocolate materialize where you are.
I’ve noticed this, and am very disappointed. You should try harder.
You should go out into the world and look for new webcomics to get addicted to. As a reader, that is.
Hey, you said you were bored.
An intriguing notion. I haven’t become addicted to a webcomic in some time now. Any suggestions?
My (non-Inksandwich, anyway) favorites are General Protection Fault, Questionable Content, and something*positive.
Your MOM is crawling!!! Skeet skeet skeet!!!
Hmm. Whatever happened to that witch’s brew geoff sent out an email about?
I think it’s stuck on Geoff. Or Conor. Or Paul. But not me. And apparently not you.
The game is afoot!