Wacky Weather Antics
mario May 5th, 2005
Rain, followed by thunderstorms, followed by sunny room temperature? California, you so crazy!
Wacky Weather Anticsmario May 5th, 2005 Rain, followed by thunderstorms, followed by sunny room temperature? California, you so crazy! 6 Responses to “Wacky Weather Antics” |
Here, it rains while the sun shines.
It’s been raining all week here.. but only at night. Ninja rain?
“The Cats”? What kind of weird ass name is that for a….
*looks at home city’s name*
Hey man, Dredg is from Los Gatos! It’s very possible that means little to you!
I won’t say that they suck, but I will say that they are tremendous pussies.
How fitting. The Cat produces pussies.
I find this weather forecast highly suspect! I accuse you for forging it!
You are well within your rights for doing so. Jerk!